Melanoma Trust

In Memory of Sharon Rice O’Beirne


Trans Canada Cycle

Starting August 19th, Peter will take on his biggest challenge to date, cycling west to east across Canada! Fun Fact- The Trans Canada Highway, is one of the longest continuous routes in the world!!

Stage 1, Victoria-Ontaria totals approx 5,400Km. Stage 2 Ontario-Newfoundland totals approx 3,500Km.

Starting in Victoria , BC (Vancouver Island) and taking in the following well known terrain of, ‘the Sunshine Coast, BC ( Pacific, Vancouver)’, ’the Rockies (Revelstoke, Lake Louise, Banff & Calgary BC)’, ’the Badlands (Drumheller, Alberta)’, ’the Plains (Regina, Sk. to Winnipeg, MN.)’, ’the Lakes (Superior , Erie etc. ON.)’, ’the Cities (Toronto, Ottawa & Montreal)’, ’the French Region (Quebec, St. Laurent / St. Lawrence)’, ’the Maritime States (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Newfoundland )’ to finish in St. John’s , NF.

As always, Peter is taking on this challenge to raise Awareness & Early Detection of Melanoma & Non - Melanoma Skin Cancer.
Follow Peters itinerary and progress here, on our Facebook page MelanomaTrust and on twitter @MelanomaTrust.

We will have a live-feed link- ‘Where Is Grandad NOW?’- uploaded shortly following Peters travels once he gets started, so keep watching!!

Filed under : Cycling, Event Calendar, Melanoma, Melanoma Trust News
By Lorraine
On 1 August, 2015
At 7:08 pm
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