Melanoma Trust

In Memory of Sharon Rice O’Beirne


Who is at Greatest Risk?

While melanomas can occur in anyone, some people are at much greater risk. This includes people with fair skin, particularly those with fair skin which burns and doesn’t tan. These people are likely to have red or light coloured hair and blue or green eyes. Their skin is also likely to freckle, and they may have many moles. Moles appear during childhood and teenage years and are related to both genetic factors and sun exposure. As the number of moles increases, so does the risk of developing melanoma.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) causes melanoma. Short bursts of extreme exposure and sunburn may be especially harmful in the development of melanoma so extreme care should be taken if you spend most of your days indoors and are then outside on weekends or during holidays. It is also critical to minimise overexposure during childhood through to young adulthood, which is when you’re most likely to cause damage.

If you’re concerned about a mole or lesion on your body, talk to your doctor. For more information on routine ways to check your skin, follow the ABCDE rule.

Source : Cancer Institute NSW

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By admin
On 27 January, 2009
At 2:08 pm
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