Melanoma Trust

In Memory of Sharon Rice O’Beirne


Thanks for all the Support!

A big thank you to everyone for all the support as Peter and Eugene take on their Trans Canada Adventure!

A special big thank you goes out to Eoin Reilly for all his help on setting up “Where Is Grandad Now?” webpage, twitter and linking everything together…and working for long hours with dad trying to see where live feeds from the GPS could link in to! Eoin has always given so much time and effort, into running this page, and all the hikes and fundraisers over the last 7 years. A big thanks Eoin from the family.


Filed under : Cycling, Event Calendar, Fundraisers, Melanoma Trust News, Uncategorized
By Lorraine
On 21 August, 2015
At 9:53 am
Comments : 0

Trans Canada Cycle

Starting August 19th, Peter will take on his biggest challenge to date, cycling west to east across Canada! Fun Fact- The Trans Canada Highway, is one of the longest continuous routes in the world!!

Stage 1, Victoria-Ontaria totals approx 5,400Km. Stage 2 Ontario-Newfoundland totals approx 3,500Km.


Filed under : Cycling, Event Calendar, Melanoma, Melanoma Trust News
By Lorraine
On 1 August, 2015
At 7:08 pm
Comments : 0

Rome to Home in full swing!

Rome to Home

Rome to Home

Peter is well on his way with his most recent challenge for Melanoma Awareness.. Following a tough two days into a strong headwind, Peter has reached Pisa on time! We’re all behind him cheering him on!


Filed under : Cycling, Event Calendar, Friends of the Trust, Fundraisers, Melanoma Trust News
By Maria
On 12 May, 2013
At 9:40 pm
Comments : 0

‘Rome to Home 2013′

SS1 - Rome - Vatican City - pallidoro - san severa - san marinella - Civitavecchia - allumiere - Tarquinia - montalto di castro - orbetello scalo - albinia - fonteblana - respecia - Grosetto - follonica - venturina - san vincenzo - donoratico - Cecina - Livorno - Pisa - Viareggio - lido di camaiore - Massa - Sarzanna - La Spezia - rico di golfo - botghetta di vara - sestri levante - lavagna - chiavari - rapallo - recco - nervi - Genova - pegli - voltri - arenzano - varazze - celle ligure - albissola marina - Savona - carcare - millesimo - ceva - SS546 - san michele - mondovi - Cuneo - SS20 +SS21 - borgo san dalmazzo - demonte - vinadio - argentera - Col della Madeline - D900 - Col de Larche - Larche (France) - meyronnes - condamine ch. - jausiers - Barcelonette - revel - le lauzet - ubaye - D900b - tallard - D85 - Gap - D994 - la roche - veynes - aspres sur buech - D993 - beaurieres - luc-en-d - D93 - moliers glandaz - Die - vercheny - aouste - Crest - D538a - montmeyran - beaumont - Valence - D86 -st peray - Tournon - st jean-de-muzols - sarras - andance - D82 - Annonay - st marcel - bourg-argental - St Etienne - D10 - andrezieux-boutheon - Montrond-les-Bains - feurs - balbigny - neulise - Roanne - D982 - pouilly s/s ch. - iguerande - marcigny - st yan - Digoin - D979 - st agnan - gilly - cronat - charrin - Decize - D981 - st leger de vignes - imphy - Nevers - D45 - fourchambault - D920 - sancergues - Sancerre - D951 - beaulieu - chatillon-sur-loire - Gien - sully - tigy - jargeau - st denis-de-la-h - mardie - st jean de-b - Orleans - D357 - ouzouer le-marche - moree - les fontains - st calais - bouloire - Le Mans - loue - vaiges - Laval - D30 - le bourgneuf-la-foret - D798 - dompierre-du-chemin - Fougeres - st james - pontabault - Avranches - D235 - Coutances - D2 - Lessay - D900 - la haye-du-puits - sottevast - D50 - brix - Cherbourg- Octeville. - Irish Ferries - Rosslare (Ireland) - Wexford - ballyedmond - Gorey - inch - Arklow - wooden bridge - Avoca - Rathdrum - Laragh - Glendalough - roundwood - enniskerry - dundrum - Dublin - lucan - Leixlip. - 2,500 kms.
Filed under : Cycling, Event Calendar, Fundraisers, Melanoma Trust News
By Peter
On 21 March, 2013
At 7:26 pm
Comments : 0

Cycle 2,500 Kms from Leixlip/ Dublin, Ireland to Santiago/ Fisterra, Spain.

Cycle from Leixlip/ Dublin, Ireland on May 7th to Mont St Michel, France on May 12/13 to join the ‘Via Turonensis’ to St-Jean-Pied-De-Port, France on May 20/21 then the ‘Camino Frances’ via Roncevalles, Spain - Pamplona, Burgos, Leon, Astorga and Santiago on May 30/31 to meet with ‘Camino Fisterra.

Filed under : Cycling, Event Calendar, Fundraisers, Melanoma Trust News
By Peter
On 12 January, 2012
At 10:47 pm
Comments : 0